Advance Guide Of Jingling 5.1.2BETA | Referer & PV & Clicking & User Agent & Popup & Video & MORE!

Let's get start!
I'll teach you guys all i knew about Jingling5 in this thread,
but don't ask me for money making method:snicker:

1.First of all go to this step

If you don't know what it is, read this first
You'll open a window like below


Enter referer setting you'll get a window like below

For linkshrink,i post my link to twitter,then set as referer
You can do something like this on twitter/facebook/forums/etc
Don't use or any other referer that just fake as fuck:facepalm:

2)Sub page view
Enter sub page view setting you'll get a window like below

Use this feature for your own sites/blogger to make traffic more like real
It's no need to set this for PTP/linkshorter site

3)Mouse clicking
You'll get a window like below

The link match is most useful:thumbs:
Title no works for me:facepalm:

There is an example to show you how to use it

First you should take a look at your site's source file,find out something should be clicked
For linkshrink it's the skip button,let's see the source of it
 We find out this href=""
In Jingling5, it'll search through all source file to get the link after "href="
If the link contain the keyword you set,Jingling5 will find it out then do clicking!
In this example, we can set the keyword to "", then it's all done:coolface:

4)User Agent
You'll get a window like below:blobdog:

In picture is my setting,you can find a most used UA list in this page

Just set like this,100% popup,5 at max

6)Flash Player
Only use it if you realy need, it'll cost additional money for every flash

7)Traffic source
Just set like this,western traffic

8)Traffic control
You must change default setting to this,cuz default is for chinese user(GMT+8)!

9)Clicking white list
In there you can set something shouldn't be clicked/viewed
It take effect in both mouse clicking and sub page view
You should input some keywords,links will be bypassed if contain those keywords

Paste content of below in it,you can get my UA and Traffic control setting

2.How to use Jingling5 debug tool
By using debug tool,you can see what'll jingling5 do with your setting!
Download it first

The rar password is 123456

Open the debug tool you'll get something like below

Get your debug code from this way
Source :

1 comment:

  1. Did you know that you can create short links with Shortest and receive dollars from every visit to your short urls.


Free traffic
