What is LikesFamous
LikesFamous.com is a social exchange system
Every time you like, follow, or view another members social media pages you will receive coins which then you can use to get more followers, likes, views or visitors to your website or social media pages or redeem them for paypal cash.
What can you exchange with us
Askinger Followers
Askinger Likes
Facebook Likes
Facebook Events
FB Photo Likes
Facebook Share
Google +
Instagram Likes
Instagram Followers
MySpace Connections
Pinterest Followers
Pinterest Likes
Pinterest Repin
Twitter Tweets
Reverbnation Fans
Soundcloud Followers
Stumbleupon Followers
Traffic Exchange
Twitter Followers
Twitter favorite
Twitter Retweet
Vine Followers
Vine Likes
Vine Revines
VK Pages
VK Groups
Youtube Favorites
Youtube Likes
Youtube Views
Youtube Subscribers
you can make from 1 coin to 10 coins from each click,
every 5000 coins is equal to 1$ that can be redeemed through paypal
Affiliate Program
You can make money by refering other members to us,
we offer
- 250 coins for each user that sign up to our site
- $0.10 for each user that sign up to our site
- 25% from money spent by your referrals, on our site
Evrey new members get free 200 coins
Gift coupon
use this code "LikesFamous" to get free 500 coins
Join Today
likesfamous.com social exchange website
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