YouTube Mystery [REVEALED]

Hello guys, maybe some of you know me, and some of you don't. I'm iSagani and I've been posting threads about YouTube Mass Ban because I am always a victim of that scenario.

So I have planned to conduct a study on how I can run away from that scene. I know 95% of YouTube marketers especially those who are using blackhat are experiencing a lot of these YouTube Precautions.

Now I want to share to you what happened and what I have concluded on my study! Please bear with your little time and read this, because I took my time and effort for over a month just to see what went wrong.

Q= Question, A= Answer, S= Solution and E= Example

Q1: Are those flaggers the reason for my mass ban?

A: NO! But not 100%, because sometimes if your keyword is competitive and you managed to get your position, some of your competitors will flag down your video to take your place. But 75% of the reason is because of the new YouTube Algorithm which is more secured and sensitive.

S: Never ever use the words C.rack, H.ack, C.heat (I just used periods because these words are prohibited on this forum, please don't mind it) or any word you feel that is not right in Google's eyes. But how my video will rank if I will not use those words on the title? Simple dude! You include that on the description and tags.

E: Your niche is about Clash of Clans Gem h@ck, your video must be entitled with Clash of Clans Gem/s. But on the first line of your description you must put Clash of Clans Gem h@ck and also on the first line of tags.

Q2: How can I or how should I rank my videos?

A: Do "SET and FORGET" method, it works well if you do it well.

Q3: How can I use "SET and FORGET" method the right way?

A: Simple, just use right keywords on your description and on your tags. My advised ratio is 1% over 100% what I mean is that you will use keyword stuffing on your description for about 1% only.

E: You have a 500 words description, then you should be using your main keywords, sub keywords, root keywords and etc, five times. But your main keyword must be on the first line.

Q4: Will my videos rank using "SET and FORGET" method?

A: Absolutely YES! But not as fast as you expected, but sooner or later it will definitely take it's right place.

Q5: So how do you see YouTube right now?

A: For me I see YouTube 101% strict! I have tested my GSA SER on my video, I blast it with backlinks, and after a day it was deleted. But my other videos that doesn't receive any boost from any tools I have, still remains, not at the top but still a good position for me.

Q6: So why am I having mass ban?

A: Most of the cases of mass ban are the videos under the same niche or under the same root keyword. Which gives YouTube the easy way to conclude that the uploader is just the same or just one user.

E: Your niche is Clash of Clans, your root keyword is Clash of Clans h@ck, and your other videos are uploaded as Clash of Clans Gem h@ck, How to get Clash of Clans h@ck, and etc. Which are uploaded at the same day! If YouTube caught videos that are uploaded on the same day and having the same root keyword, they will probably criticize that the uploader or the owner of the videos is just one user and that makes them conclude that those videos must be deleted, due to spam or sc@m.

Q7: So what are the main reasons why I get mass ban?

A: One of the main reason here is the download link or the link you use on your description box. You must remember that YouTube has a function where it will record the link included on a video that they deleted. So if your video went down then one solution to prevent it on your next upload is to use a different link, you can do this by simply using link shorteners. By this way you are preventing YouTube algo to read your video or description the same way they read your previous deleted video.

If you have further questions please do post it here and I will be willing to answer. 

If you think this thread is helpful please reply or post a comment just to make it stay at the top and help others. Thank you!

UPDATED: Added Question #6

UPDATE (8/28/2014): A few changes in YouTube these past days that I have noticed. All of the changes and tips to prevent ban will be included on the ebook I will give to all my referrals on my Referral Journey. Thanks guys!

UPDATE (9/16/2014): Added Question #7

Kind Regards,

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